Looking for a Cheap Reliable Web host? Host Gator Review
This is a simple Host Gator break down from a long time member!
If you’ve been searching the web looking for expensive web hosting, you landed on the right blog.
I am not going to give you a thousand page essay on Host Gator. However, I am going to give you thebasic things you need to know. First, the reliability of their hosting.
I have had several of my best sites run on there servers for years with little or no hiccups. Rarely have i ever seen one of my websites down or sluggish when connecting to the website.
What type of hosting do they offer? They offer many forms of hosting to suite anyone needs. They have VPS, Domain registration, Dedicated hosting, reseller hosting and regular web hosting. However, the best part of Host Gator is their prices! You just can’t beat them. You get quality and reliable hosting for just 3.96 a month!
How do they stack up to other host offering similar prices? Let’s just say I’ve been doing web sites for almost a decade and I have never gotten the same quality for these kind of prices! In fact, its not even close! The host I tried didn’t have anywhere near the performance nor the quality I got with Host Gator. The websites were either load too slow or tried to get me to upgrade to bigger plans when I only had small websites. If you need you host up during the peak hours of the day, you can be assured that your website will load normally with these guys. You don’t have to worry about losing potential customers or visitors!
Like I promised, I was going to keep this brief. I am not going continue on like those crazy car salesmen you see in the commercials, but I will say that if you really need a host that’s reliable with affordable prices, you got to see what these guys are offering now!